Open Source conference organising software

This is a short note to myself (and anyone interested) about software applications I’ve found recently that allow you do manage conferences/ticket sales, etc.

Pretalx; it comes in self-hosted and hosted-for-you options. Feature comparison also available. Hosted-for-you prices range from 850EUR to 1450, depending on the number of attendees and ticket price.
Self-hosted does not have a charge (but you obviously have to pay for the hosting, etc yourself).

Pretix; it also comes in self-hosted and hosted-for-you options. Pricing is basically 2.5% per ticket, but it also. Self-hosting does not have a cost, apart from the obvious hosting fees.

OSEM (Open Source Event Management);  Self-hosted option only. It does the main required conference functions: schedules, paper submissions, registration, and administration. Completely free.

Indico; Seems like it is a completely self-hosted option. Lots of the main features needed for running an event or conference.
Used by some large scale organisations like CERN, UN. Documentation and a demo is available.

Odoo events; Self-hosted, or hosted-for-you options.
Again, it has the main features needed for running a conference. I couldn’t work out from their pricing website what the cost was. :/; Calls itself the “open source ticket reservation system”. It is part of an ecosystem ecosystem of tools to “cover the lifecycle of an event from ticket distribution, to event management, to reporting“. It’s completely free.

They’ve got a helpful demo instance. There is no hosted-for-you option available from what I can see. They do have detailed looking tutorials on how to install and manage it on popular cloud services.

Eventyay; This service works in combination with the Open Events Organiser application (for organisers), and the Open Event application (for attendees).
There is a hosted-for-you option, and also a repo for (presumably) a self-hosted option.


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