How do you deal with conflicting dependencies caused by pip installs?

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3 responses to “How do you deal with conflicting dependencies caused by pip installs?”

  1. Mathias Rav Avatar
    Mathias Rav

    Head’s up: I had to disable Firefox Tracking Protection in order to load the 3rd party script to do the questionnaire.

  2. Gabriel Avatar

    I try to not run into this issue. When I do, I usually need to pin my dependencies to versions that have compatible dependencies themselves.
    For this, I like to see the dependency tree to find the root cause of the conflict.

  3. I’ve been using python mostly with scientific packages, like numpy, matplotlib, pandas, etc. And some automating desk jobs, like pyAutoGUI, tkinter, xslxwritter, pywin32. So, I’ve never had conflict issues, probably because I don’t explore the novelties on this packages.

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